听儿歌学英文| Peppa Pig 里唱过的那些英文歌(附免费下载)
还有《Rainbow Song》,我曾经反复播放那个视频,去听歌词,学会了教妞唱。‘Rainbow rainbow. Red and orange and yellow and green and purple and blue', 这首儿歌帮助她学会了Rainbow和7种颜色的单词。每当她唱到Bluuuuue~ 都撅起小嘴成一个o形,可爱极了。
这里收集了12首《小猪佩琪》里的英文儿歌歌词,并附上这些儿歌的MP3下载方式~ 希望你和孩子喜欢,比心~
The Bing Bong Song
We're playing a tune
and we're singing a song
With a bing and a bong and a bing
Bong bing boo bing bong
bing bing bong bingly bungly boo
Bong bing boo bing bong
bing bing bong bingly bungly boo
The Recycling Song
Recycle recycle
W'regoing to recycle
Tin cans bottles newspaper
Recycle recycle
W're going to recycle
The Train Song
Kilty cline kilty cline
The train downs thetrack
Pop pop pop pop
Kilty kilty cline
Kilty cline kilty cline
The train downs thetrack
Pop pop pop pop
The train downs the track
Kilty cline kilty cline
The train downs thetrack
Pop pop pop pop
The train downs thetrack
Birdy Birdy, Woof Woof
The birds go woof
And the dogs go tweet
Woof tweet woof tweet
Woof woof woof
The sheep go moo
And the cows go baa
Moo baa woof tweet
Moo baa woof tweet
Woof woof woof
Christmas Tree Song
Little stars on the Christmas tree
goes twinkl twinkl twinkl twinkl
Yeah ha ha ha what a chopping song
In total ever pick than Christmas it go
Lovely Peppa
Now it's time to
Wait that's more
Sweet twinkl the star on the Christmas tree
Yeah ha ha ha may be that's a dog seeking
Rainbow Song
It's a rainy sunny day
The rainbow's here to play
Rainbow rainbow
Red and orange and yellow
and green and purple and blue
Rainbow rainbow
It's a rainy sunny day
The Wheels on the Bus
The wheels on the bus go round and round
Round and round round and round
The wheels on the bus go round and round
All day long
The fishs in the boats swin round and round
Round and round round and round
The fishs in the boats swin round and round
All day long
The Counting Song
Let's count to ten
One two three four five six seven eight nine ten
Seaside Holiday
We're going on seeside holiday
Ten corals swimming in the sunny sky
We're going on seeside holiday
See and sun down ice cream to you
Big Balloon song
Big balloon big balloon
bigger than the sun and moon
flying high in the sky flying fly and fly and fly
Grampy Rabbits Boat song
I got up this morning
the sea was still there and so was the sky
I got up this morning the sea was still there
so was the sky the sea the sky
the sea the sky the sea the
sky the sea the sky
World Harmony song
Peace and harmony in all the world
Peace and Harmony in all the world
Peace and harmony in all the world
Peace and har-mony
百度网盘mp3 下载:
链接: httpss://pan.baidu.com/s/1TLKJY6gBhwqsVyPr8t2ZHQ
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《听儿歌学英文| Peppa Pig 里唱过的那些英文歌(附歌词和下载方式)》夏天的陈小舒