廖彩杏书单第一周 003 The wheels on the bus 公交车的轮子转呀转

文 / 艾米爱分享
2018-07-25 10:00

The wheels on the bus(公交车的轮子转呀转)这首童谣创作于1939年,风靡全球70多年,成为经久不衰的经典传唱,深受全世界小朋友的喜爱,英美国家的孩子在外出坐车时经常会集体唱这首歌。无论是童谣还是同名绘本,都已经被译为为多国语言,有很多不同的版本。廖单推荐的绘本版本出自大名鼎鼎的世界童书出版社Child's Play, 它设计得真是独具匠心,不但画面生动,色彩明快,而且内容贴近孩子熟悉的生活场景,神奇地把简单欢快的歌谣编成了一个精彩连贯的小故事!


在英美流行的各种不同版本中,歌词和曲调大致都是相同的。最大的不同在于其中的一句反复句,英版习惯说all day long (一整天), 美版习惯说all through the town(穿过整个小镇)。





The wheels︵on the bus go Round︵an(d) Round,

Round︵an(d) Round, Round︵an(d) Round,

The wheels︵on the bus go Round︵an(d) Round,

All day long!




The wipers︵on the bus go Swi(sh) S(wish) Swish,

Swi(sh) S(wish) Swish,,

Swi(sh) S(wish) Swish,

The wipers︵on the bus go Swi(sh) S(wish) Swish,

All day long!




The horn on the bus goes Bee(p)! Bee(p)! Beep!

Bee(p)! Bee(p)! Beep!

Bee(p)! Bee(p)! Beep!

The horn on the bus goes Bee(p)! Bee(p)! Beep!

All day long!





The driver on the bu(s) says, "Tickets Please!"

Tickets Please! Tickets Please!

The driver on the bu(s) says, Tickets Please!"

All day long!公交车司机说:“请出示车票!”请出示车票!请出示车票!”



The parents︵on the bus go Cha(t) Cha(t) Chat,

Cha(t) Cha(t) Chat, Cha(t) Cha(t) Chat,

The parents︵on the bus go Cha(t) Cha(t) Chat,

All day long!




The babies︵on the bus go, " Wah Wah Wah,

Wah Wah Wah, Wah Wah Wah.

“The babies︵on the bus go, Wah Wah Wah."

All day long





The people on the bus go,

"Ssh Ssh Ssh”

Ssh Ssh Ssh,

Ssh Ssh Ssh.

The people on the bus go, Ssh Ssh Ssh.

"All day long!公交车上的人们嘘嘘嘘,



The children on the bu(s) say,”Party Time”


Happy Birthday!



1. 绘本的文字部分简单重复,韵律感很强,孩子们唱读玩几次就可以掌握,很容易记住。

里面教到小朋友认识公交车的零部件,熟悉常见的拟声词, 亲子阅读时注意指读和动作拟声引导。


wheel 车轮

wiper 雨刮

horn 喇叭


swish 发刷刷声

beep (车)嘟嘟声

wah (孩子)哇哇哭ssh




鸽子 pigeon

蝴蝶 butterfly

小鸟 bird

蜗牛 snail

兔子 rabbit

母鸡 hen

猫 cat


老鼠 mouse

青蛙 frog

狗 dog


司机 driver

小丑 clown

魔术家 magician

画家 painter

舞蹈演员 dancer

鼓手 drummer

街头小商贩 street vendor烘焙师 baker

2. 亲子阅读中注意引导孩子看图理解,通过提问进行阅读思维拓展。

Look at the book cover, Oliver. A bus which is full of passengers is coming.

What color is the bus cover?

Good job. It's green.

What color is the bus wheel?

Great! It's colorful.

How many wheels can you see? Count with me.

One wheel, two wheels.

Who is driving the bus?

Yes, a driver.

What things are floating over the bus?

Brilliant. Colorful balloons and music notes are floating over the bus.

What kinds of animals are flying over the bus?

Good boy! Pigeons, butterlies and birds.

How many pigeons can you see? Count with me.

One pigeon, two pigeons.

What kinds of animals are on the bus roof.

Wonderful. Snails

What kinds of animals are around the bus?

Excellent. A hen, a cat, a hedgedog, two snails, a mouse and two frogs.

Look at the head page, Oliver.

The bus stops at the roadside, many animals, adults and children are quequing up.

What will they do?

Good. They will get on the bus.

And can you guess where they're going?

No? You don't know? Let's read the book to find the answer.

Turn to page 1, Oliver. Look!A clown is running after the bus. Who are surprised to look at him?

Great! A lady and her daughter.

What is the little boy who sits in the first row doing?

Yes, he's taking a nap.

Turn to page 2, Oliver. Look!Who is running after the bus this time?

Yes, a magician is running after the bus.

And who are happy to look at him?

Great! A black-haired lady and her daughter are happy to look at him.

It's raining heavily. Plenty of raindrops are falling down. So the magician is taking an umbrella in his right hand to keep dry.

What kinds of anilmals are on the purple umbrella?

Good job! A snail and rabbit.

What kinds of anilmals are on magician's shoulder?

Wonderful. Another rabbit.

What is the magician holding in his left hand?

Good. A magic wand.

What is the little boy who sits in the first row doing now?

Yes, he's playing with the clown.

Who are sitting in the second row?

Wonderful! A yellow-haired man and his son.

Turn to page 3, Oliver. Look! Who is running after the bus this time?

Yes, a painter is running after the bus.

And who is look at her?

No one.

Has the rain stopped?

No, but it has eased off.

The painter is taking an umbrella and two brushes in her right hand. What is the painter holding in her left hand?

Good boy. Palette

What are the yellow-haired man and his son who sit in the second row doing?

Yes, they're playing with the magician.

Who are sitting in the third row?

Wonderful! Two children.

Turn to page 4, Oliver. Look! Who is running after the bus this time?

A dancer is running after the bus.

What are the two children who sit in the third row doing?

Yes, they're playing with the painter.

Who are sitting in the fourth row?

Wonderful! A lady and her daughter.

Turn to page 5, Oliver. Look! Who is running after the bus this time?

A drummer.

What are the lady and her daughter who sit in the fourth row doing?

Yes, they're playing with the dancer.

Who are sitting in the last row?

No one. Only some gifts.

Turn to page 6, Oliver. Look! Who is running after the bus this time?

A street vendor.

Now the bus is crowded. Where is the drammer?

Yes, he's sitting in the last row beside the gifts.

Turn to page 7, Oliver. Look! Who is running after the bus this time?

A baker.

Now the bus is very crowded. Where is the street vendor?

Yes, he's sitting in the last row, just next to the drammer.

Now turn to the last page, Oliver. Where are they?

They're at a birthday party.

That's it. We find the answer. They take the bus to attend a birthday party!

Do you think that they're happy?How do you know?


Do you like such a party? Why?

