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今天我们将欣赏由琸阅学员Sean Lin
倾情续写的Fantastic Mr.Fox
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【 Fantastic Mr. Fox 2】
原书作者: Roald Dahl
续写作者: Sean Lin
主要人物: Mr. Fox / Bunce / Bean / Boggis
类型: 亲情 / 冒险
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Previously on Fantastic Mr. Fox
凶恶的农场主Boggis, Bunce, Bean发觉Mr. Fox在他们的农场里抓取家禽,决心不惜一切代价杀死狐狸一家。他们在狐狸先生的家门口埋伏,甚至开来了挖掘机,连山都差点挖空。
在这样危及的时刻,狐狸先生并没有放弃希望。反而另辟蹊径,带领一家人改变挖掘方向。不但逃过了一劫,还带领偶遇的獾一家来到Boggis's Chicken House, Bunce's Mighty Storehouse, Bean's Secret Cider Cellar,大获丰收。
They sat there by the hole, waiting for the fox to come out.
And as far as I know, they are still waiting.
Sean Lin 的续写
据达尔先生所知,三个凶残的农场主一直在洞口等待狐狸先生一家。万一他们得知狐狸先生已经顺利逃脱,再也不会回到这个洞了,这三个农场主又会有怎样的对策呢? 琸阅的小学员Sean Lin 读完了这本原版书后,就产生了这样的疑问,他给这本书续写了一个有趣的结尾。下面就让我们来看看Sean的续写吧!
点击可听Sean Lin 的原声演绎
The farmer use up their energy, then Bunce want to be friend of Mr. Fox.
Mr. Fox was puzzled why Bunce want to be friend of mine. Is he going to kill me?
Mr. Fox thinks, but he said OK. The farmer is very happy.
Haha, Mr. Fox is not clever. He is so stupid. He does not know that we are going to kill him, said Boggis.
I have an idea to kill him,that invited Mr. Fox to a party. And we will bang! bang-bang! said Bean.
That's a good idea. Let's do it now ,said Bunce.
That night, they made a big invetesh and have a big dinner. The next morning, Mr. Fox read the invetashen and he puzzled again. Are they going to kill me? I want to be careful. Then he told his friend to dig a big hole on the way from the party to their hole home. And then he went to the party.
The farmer were very happy to see Mr.Fox. They pulled their gun out. Mr. Fox run as fast as he could. He jumped over the hole and jump in to their hole house. The farmer fell into the hole and knew they were in trouble.
They yelled : Mr. Fox, you a silly fox, stupid fox, bad fox. As long as I know, they were still in the hole and yelling.
--Sean Lin的续写
续写的最后,Sean使用了与原书结尾同样的句型:As far as I know, they were still in the hole and yelling. 这份与作者的默契不禁令人会心一笑。
看完了Sean Lin 的续写,琸阅的小朋友们是不是也跃跃欲试了呢?如果有自己比较满意的作品(题材可为续写,但不限于续写),可以整理出来向琸阅公众号投稿,一经采用,会有稿费奖励哦!欢迎小朋友向我们投稿~