翻译|Ada 国家三级营养师 孕产康复训练师
The Three Principles of Spinning Babies:
1. Balance 平衡
2. Gravity 重力
3. Movement 骨盆摇摆

Growing into a healthy pregnancy and birth with the 3 Principles of Spinning Babies. Painting by Shelly Rahim, San Diego. All Rights Reserved.
Gail Tully created the Spinning Babies® Three Principles to guide birth preparation and choose techniques to prioritize body balancing before the typical strategies of getting up and moving in labor. We also want to include The Three Principles in our daily pregnancy lifestyle.
Adding balance to your body and movement during labor helps gravity move baby down easier.

育见美孕产老师:YAYA孕35W+ 舞蹈式
What is balance? Body balance is “not too tight and not too loose, and not too twisty.” Balance helps align the uterus for fetal position and easier birth.
What is gravity? Upright birthing positions help align the uterus with gravity! We recommend specific positions for fetal descent.
What is movement? A specific way of jiggling and stretching muscles can relax what you can’t relax by intention.

Wendy’s Left Occiput Transverse baby is ideal for her labor to start.
Why start with The Three Principles?
Beginning now in pregnancy may help avoid fetal positioning problems later. Balancing muscles, aligning with gravity, and moving your body towards a flexible strength may enhance the birth experience and add comfort in pregnancy. Sometimes simply adding balance makes the difference!
Uneven postures used over time can tilt and tighten uterine or cervical ligaments on one side, twisting the uterus. Apply the Three Principles to see if what you choose to do in pregnancy will add balance, align with gravity, or create a sense of living movement in your body. Moving with gravity and balance may improve well being. Learn more about pregnancy posture at the page, Rest Smart.
What will techniques for all Three Principles of Spinning Babies do?
- Allow baby to move down easier with contractions
- Pelvic bones may open wider during birth
- Medical interventions may decrease
- Pain may decrease
- Comfort may increase – immediately!
- Babies may turn to the get into a more ideal position by themselves
- Labor may start and finish spontaneously
- 让婴儿在宫缩时更容易下移
- 盆骨在出生时可能会张开得更大
- 医疗干预可能减少
- 疼痛可减轻
- 舒适可能会增加-马上!
- 婴儿可能会自己转到一个更理想的位置
- 分娩可以自发地开始和结束

育见美孕产老师:YAYA孕35W+ 树式
Spinning Babies First Principle: Balance
Not too tight, not too loose, and not too twisty means more comfort and better function.
An aligned pelvis may make pregnancy more comfortable and prepare for an easier childbirth.
How do I know if “balance” is needed?
Discomfort is a symptom of an imbalance. Chronic tension in the ligaments or muscles, or undeveloped muscles make a pelvis unstable which creates pain. Malposition may reveal an imbalance. Baby’s position fits the shape of available space inside the womb.
If uterine space is not optimally available then baby’s body may not line up with the way out.
See what to do in pregnancy at home and with the help of professionals to get your body into balance. Want to read what the signs might be to get help with balance?
Balancing the pelvic joints and muscles, the womb and the surrounding supportive structures add tone and appropriate symmetry, so one can find improved success from good postures in pregnancy.

How do I balance my muscles?
For balance, try these activities:
- Forward-leaning inversion
- Side-lying release for the pelvic floor and hips
- Psoas release (or resolution)
- Prenatal yoga with props or physical therapy techniques
- Standing sacral release
- Abdominal Release (Diaphragmatic release)
- Chiropractic, Craniosacral, myofascial techniques and care
- 前倾反向(骨盆后倾)
- 盆底及臀部侧卧松解术
- 腰肌松解术(或松解)
- 辅助工具或理疗技术的产前瑜伽
- 站立骶管松解术(详情咨询Ada)
- 腹部释放(膈肌释放)
- 脊椎病、颅荐骨平衡、肌筋膜技术及护理
What if a pregnant abdomen is too loose?
After a few births, the abdomen may be too loose. Supporting the growing belly with a pregnancy belt can substitute for missing tone in the abdominal muscles.
A good pregnancy belt supports the baby’s angle into the pelvis. The belt adds a slope to help the baby to aim and later, rotate into a good starting position for labor. Belly belts vary and so must be chosen by and for each individual.
Some people may have to wear the pregnancy belt through labor and pushing to keep the baby in a safe position. If the belly hangs over the pubic bone (pendulous belly) it may prevent a stall in labor, even in pushing out the shoulders, by keeping the belt on until baby is fully born.
What should I do for The 1st Principle of Balance?
If we attend to the first principle of Balance, the next one, Gravity, works even better in labor.
Whether too tight or too loose, balancing the supporting connective tissue to the uterus should be the first activity each day.
Release any muscle spasms or support loose abdominal muscles and uterine ligaments to set the tone of the abdomen. When one or some of the muscles are loose, there is often another one or some that are too tight. They are not in balance. It’s not about making one set stronger per se, but helping them work in balance.

育见美孕产老师:YAYA孕35W+ 虎式平衡
Many women support the balance they have with Daily Essentials downloadable video. Using the video is the easy way to do the recommended daily activities. Adding the Fantastic Fourfrom the Spinning Babies; Parent Class demos can be quite a dramatic improvement for up to 90% of pregnant women… be sure to follow directions and contraindications and help your helper do things comfortably for you. You can also get them on DVD.
很多孕妈妈每日都从下载视频中练习平衡。做推荐的日常活动的简单运动方法。从旋转的婴儿中加入Fantastic Fourfrom;教练妈妈演示对多达90%的孕妇来说是一个巨大的进步。一定要遵循指导和禁忌,帮助你的助手(老公或是妈妈或是阿姨)为你做舒服的事情。你也可以买到DVD。(为安全起见,经医生的允许后在专业孕期老师的指导下练习)
原文出处来自SpiningBabise(转动胎儿),这个项目出自Gail Tully, CPM,Gail是来自美国明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯的著名助产师。(Spinning Babies is a project by Gail Tully, CPM. Gail is a midwife in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.)