
文 / 英语悦读
2017-08-27 13:04


Some parents are embracing the emerging process of replenishing newborns with lost bacteria – but doctors are warning against it.


process /'prəʊses/过程,方法

英英释义:a particular course of action intended to achieve a result.

例句:It’s true. It’s an aging process but this process can be overcome by surgery, said Tin Win.【VOA Standard,2013.10】


There has been an emerging trend among mothers who have a caesarean section for “vaginal seeding”, a process that exposes newborn babies to the micro-organisms they would normally encounter during vaginal birth.



例句:It’s claimed they performed Caesarean Operations on women carrying unwanted children and then sold the babies to childless couples. 【BBC News,2012.11】


This week, though, Danish obstetricians writing in the international journal BJOG said that it “could do more harm than good”. Doctors at the UK’s Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists also warned against it.


Although the research is new and untested, experts in award-winning documentary Microbirth suggest a link between the health of our microbiome and the “epidemic” of non-communicable diseases (such as asthma, eczema and cardiovascular disease) that the World Health Organization fears could bankrupt our health systems.



例句:The BBC made a documentary, and slow-motion videos were all over YouTube. 【经济学人 -综合 】


Dr Maria G Dominguez-Bello, at the New York School of Medicine, theorises that exposing babies born by caesarean to vaginal microbes may gift them a more normal colony of organisms with potential positive health benefits.

在纽约医学院的玛丽亚(Maria G Dominguez-Bello)博士,认为理论上暴露在阴道微生物中的剖腹产婴儿,可以给予他们一群更正常的微生物,这些微生物有益于婴儿的健康。

microbe /'maɪkrob/细菌,微生物

英英释义:a minute life form (especially a disease-causing bacterium); the term is not in technical use

例句:That sounds clever for a microbe – how did they figure that out? 【BBC 6 Minute English】


Frederique Rattue, from Surrey, said she was “devastated” to need a caesarean with her fourth baby but felt that “swab seeding” was key to feeling that she had “ownership” of the birth.

来自英国萨里的弗雷德里克•瑞特(Frederique Rattue)说,她的第四个孩子需要剖腹产,表示“十分震惊”,但“擦拭播种”让她知道,她有出生“所有权”是关键的。


例句:completely cut him off with no explanation, and he is devastated. 【TED演讲,2015.6】


I was devastated by the news of the crash.


In a simple but bizarre-sounding process, Rattue incubated a sterile gauze in her vagina that baby Diego was wiped down with after birth, transferring the microbes the child would otherwise have missed. Rattue says her midwife and obstetrician were happy to help with the procedure.


Will the evidence base for seeding grow? Will our vaginas turn out to contain the mysterious key to world health, or will doctors’ concerns be borne out?


Until there is any hard evidence, it will be up to women to decide what’s best for them and their babies – and for midwives and doctors to support their decisions.



