廖彩杏书单第二周 002 Go away, Mr. wolf 走开,狼先
Go away, Mr. wolf (走开,狼先生)是世界经典绘本之一,它讲述了三只小猪智斗大灰狼的故事,可以说是国外版的 “小兔子乖乖,把门开开”。反复重复的句子,幽默诙谐的场景,让它迅速风靡全球成为孩子们的大爱,更为称道的是绘本力透纸背传达出的安全教育意义:不能接受陌生人好吃好玩的东西,不能跟陌生人走,不能相信陌生人的花言巧语,一定不能给陌生人开门!
这个版本动画片的场景和情节与绘本很类似, 相信孩子们秒懂其中表达的安全常识!
Knock! Knock! Knock!
Who's tha(t) knocking~at~our little fron(t) door? '
Anyone for~ice cream? ' said~a furry, friendly voice.
' Go away, Mr. wolf ', sai(d) the three little pigs.
An(d) they quickly shu(t) the door.
Knock! Knock! Knock!
Who's tha(t) knocking~at~our little fron(t) door?'
Coming for~a drive? '
said~a charming cheery voice.
' Go away, Mr. wolf ',
sai(d) the three little pigs.
An(d) they quickly shu(t) the door.
Knock! Knock! Knock!
Who's tha(t) knocking~at~our little fron(t) door?
'Anyone for~a game?'
said~a hoarse bu(t) hopeful voice.
' Go away, Mr. wolf,'
sai(d) the three little pigs.
An(d) they quickly shu(t) the door.
Knock! Knock! Knock!
Who's tha(t) knocking~at~our little fron(t) door?'
It~is~a lovely day for~a swim.
Anybody coming with me?'' Go away, Mr. wolf ',
sai(d) the three little pigs.
An(d) they quickly shu(t) the door.
Knock! Knock! Knock!
Who's tha(t) knocking~at~our little fron(t) door?'
Anybody home?
'' It's Daddy!''
Come~on in, Daddy,
We've go(t) lots to tell you!'
1. 绘本的互动性很强,爸妈可以和孩子在家里分角色扮演小猪,大灰狼和猪爸爸,站在门边和孩子边玩边唱,学习的趣味性将会大大增加。
2. 亲子阅读中注意引导孩子看图理解,通过提问进行阅读思维拓展。
Look at the book cover. Oliver, Oliver, what do you see?
Great! You can see a big bad wolf, and he lost his ice cream.
What else can you see in the cover?
Good boy! You can see pigs. How many pigs can you see? Count with mommy. One pig, two pigs, three pigs.
Look. What is the little pig in brown romper suit doing?
Yeah, he is shooting at the big bad wolf with a bow. An arrow is flying over big bad wolf's head, and a fork is flying over his shoulder.
Can you tell me what is the little pig with many feathers on his head doing?
He is pointing at the big wolf and shouting something.
Then how about the little pig in pink dress?
She is raising her left arm and cheering up his brothers.
Now let's look at the big bag wolf, what is he doing?
Oh, he is running away, he is fleeing in confusion. (哦,他在跑,他在狼狈逃窜。 绘本阅读理念:因为是亲子阅读,不涉及孩子不认识单词就无法阅读的问题,很多绘本的单词难度并不比章节书小,加上绘本丰富传神的图片,孩子很容易理解,充分利用绘本的具体语境,精读绘本的过程中帮助孩子扩大书面词汇量,潜移默化地培养孩子用丰富语言和多种方式表达的语言能力。)
What happened? Why are three pigs attacking the big bag wolf? Turn the page, let's read the story.
Look at the head page, Oliver.
what is the big bag wolf doing?
Yes, he's running away, he's fleeing in confusion. He lost his football, his ax, but he is still shouldering his hammer. An arrow is flying over his head.
And what about the three little pigs? What are they doing?
Brilliant, they are still attacking the big wolf.
And now can you guess what happened?
No? You don't know? Let's read the book to find the answer.
Turn to page 1, Oliver. Look!What are the three little pigs doing?
Good. They're playing.
Where are they?
Great. They're at home.
Are they happy or sad?
Brilliant. They're happy. They're playing happily at home.
And listen, knock knock knock(在绘本上做敲门的动作)
Can you guess who's there? Who's knocking at their little front door?
Look, they are racing to the door and open the little curtain.
By the way, oliver, what color is the curtain?
Yeah, it's blue.
Wow, Oliver, Oliver, what can you see?
Good job. You see a person who is holding an ice cream and a popsicle.
Do you like ice creams and popsicles?
Yes, you like them. And me, too. They seems so attractive, they're yummy. (对于单词和句式,孩子是没有难易之分的,输入什么,就会输出什么,进行情景式单词内化理解和句式记忆是科学有效的自然学习方法,英语启蒙的第一个问题是听不懂,第二个问题就是说不出,很多时候孩子听懂了,也说不出,就是因为这方面训练不足,需要注意引导,孩子的思维应该在理解和运用语义上,不要太强化语法,语法是给成人学习第二外语用的,耗时长,效果差。对比我们的母语学习过程,小孩子刚开始说话可能颠三倒四,经常说和练习很快就会正确使用了,再次强调,启蒙初期不要刻意学语法,在练中学。)
Look at the picture carefully. What's it over there?
Yeah, an ice-cream truck! The wolf is so cunning. In order to convince the three little pigs, he brings an ice-cream truck here! (这里convince是大学英语四级词汇,家长可能会犹豫,学早了吧?能理解吗?翻译成中文,家长还觉得有难度吗?对比大学四级备考前的死记硬背和考完就忘记的尴尬和无奈,看看市面上的各种考试宝典,高考,四级,六级,考研,托福,雅思备考书和通关秘籍,大家每次都是临时抱佛脚,头痛医头,脚痛医脚, 为什么英语学习过程如此痛苦和低效呢?艾米想说:语料,方法和学习时间都错了!孩子的学习力是惊人的,远超成人,此时采用正确的学习方法,能让孩子如虎添翼,在实际阅读中学习英语并运用,才能真正掌握英语,把它作为一门工具实用才是王道。 )
Should three little pigs open the door?
Yes? You think that they should? Let's try. Oliver, open the door.
Oh, my gosh. He's not an ice-cream retailer. He's a big bad wolf. He's scary.
Look at the big net which is hiden behind him.
What should they do?
That's right. Quickly shut the door. (关门,这里用的是shut the door, 而不是close the door。原版绘本的优点之一就是能接触到地道的口语,语言接地气又不过于正式和死板。)
Turn to page 2, Oliver. Look!What are the three little pigs doing this time?
It's time for tea. They're eating snacks and drinking tea.
Look! Mommy pig is coming with muffins. How many muffins can you see? Count with me.
One muffin, two muffins, three muffins!
Do you like muffins?
Yes, you do. Me, too. Muffins are yummy. (做吃的动作和好吃的表情,帮助孩子通过语境理解)
What animal is sitting next to the little pig in pink dress?
Good job. A teddy bear.
Listen, knock knock knock(在绘本上做敲门的动作)
Can you guess who's there? Who's knocking at their little front door?
Look, they are running to the door and open the little curtain. (run 和 race, 注意相同语义用不同单词替换,扩大词汇量)
By the way, oliver, what color is the curtain? (相同句子反复重复,重复才是最大的学习秘诀)
Yeah, it's blue.
Wow, Oliver, Oliver, what can you see?
Good job. You see a person who is wearing a brown cap, and there is a red car behind him.
The red car is so cool. Do you like the red car?
Yes, you like it. And me, too. The wolf is so cunning. In order to attract the three little pigs, he brings a red car here!
Will three little pigs open the door and go out for a driving?
Yes? You think that they will? Let's try. Oliver, open the door.
Oh, my gosh. Mr. Wolf again.
Look at the large sack which is hiden behind him. (big, large注意同义词替换)
By the way, oliver, what color is the sack?
It's brown.
The wolf is dangerous, what does he want to do with a sack?
I think that he wants to put three little pigs in the sack and have them for dinner. Do you agree with me?
What should they do?
That's right. Quickly shut the door.
Turn to page 3, Oliver. Look!What are the three little pigs doing this time?
They're playing Indian boys. Look, how excited they are!! They are having a lot of fun!They even make a tent! They even set up a brown tent! (make 和set up 同义词替换)
Listen, knock knock knock(在绘本上做敲门的动作)
Can you guess who's there? Who's knocking at their little front door?
Look, they are going to the door and open their little curtain. (run, race, go, 注意相同语义用不同单词替换,扩大词汇量)
By the way, oliver, what color is the curtain?
Yeah, it's blue.
Wow, Oliver, Oliver, what can you see?
Good job. You see a person who is holding a football.
Do you like playing football?
Yes, you like it. But I don't. The wolf is so cunning. In order to trick the three little pigs into believing in game, he brings a football here!
Oh, the football is so attractive, three litte pigs open the door.
Oh, my goodness. Mr. Wolf! It's the third time!
Look at the heavy hammer which is hiden behind him. Three little pigs are in danger.
They quickly shut the door.
Turn to page 4, Oliver. Look!What are the three little pigs doing this time?
Yes, they're playing music with cookers.
Where are they?
Good. They're in the kitchen with Mommy Pig.
What is Mommy Pig doing?
Great! Mommy PIg is cooking.
Listen, knock knock knock(在绘本上做敲门的动作)
Can you guess who's there? Who's knocking at their little front door?
Look, the little pig in brown romper suit climbs up a stool and opens the little curtain.
Wow, Oliver, Oliver, what can you see?
Good job. You see a person who is wearing goggles, and also, he is taking a swimming ring.
Do you like swimming?
Yes, you like it. But I don't. The wolf is so cunning. In order to cheat the three little pigs, he even brings a swimming ring?
It's so interesting to go swimming, three litte pigs open the door.
My god! Mr. Wolf! It's the fourth time!
Look at the huge ax which is hiden behind him.
They quickly shut the door.
Turn to page 5, Oliver. Look!What are the three little pigs doing this time?
They're setting the table. Time for dinner very soon.
Listen, knock knock knock(在绘本上做敲门的动作)
Can you guess who's there? Who's knocking at their little front door?
This time, no one goes to open the curtain.
Wow, Oliver, Oliver, what can you see?
Yes,nothing. Because the curtain is closed.
The door is open. It's daddy. They're very cheerful!
Now turn to the last page, Oliver. Remembler, wolf is always cunning and dangerous. Never open the door for Mr. wolf. Also, never open the door for stangers.
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