还在为怎样培养孩子的领导而发愁,一本小小的鸭子骑行记来帮忙。还在为孩子学英语而发愁,中英文对比介绍Duck on a bike。
有一天,在农场里,鸭子冒出一个疯狂的主意,“我打赌我会骑车”他一摇一摆地走到男孩停着的自行车旁,爬上去,骑了起来。开始他骑得很慢,而且左摇右晃,但是很好玩! 点评:鸭子的性别是他,一个具有冒险精神的小男孩,一个注意诞生了,但是自己去实践,相信自己,生活不就是需要寻找有趣的事情吗,男孩子不就是要主宰自己的人生吗?
鸭子骑过母牛身旁,冲母牛招了招手。“你好,母牛”鸭子说。 “口牟——”母牛应了一声。可她心里想:“一只鸭子在骑车?这可是我见过最愚蠢的事!” 点评:母牛体型相对于鸭子而言,现实生活中,这有可能是遇见了一个大很多岁的姐姐,是不是长大了都开始你不屑于骑自行车了,但是还是会;礼貌地回应弟弟的问候?
鸭子骑过绵羊身边,“你好,绵羊!”鸭子说。 “咩——”绵羊应了一声。可她心里想:“要是不小心,他会受伤的!”点评:绵阳是一个年纪相当的姐姐,她用担心的眼神看着鸭子,担心鸭子受伤,是不是也在担心自己如果骑上自行车会受伤?
他骑过马身边。“你好,马!”鸭子说。 “嘶——”马应了一声。可他心里想:“你还是没我快,鸭子!” 点评:看看这傲娇的眼神,微扬的嘴唇。作为一个大鸭子很多的大哥哥的不屑,全部表露了出来。
现在鸭子骑得好多了。他骑过狗的身边。“你好,狗”鸭子说。 “汪!”狗应了一声。可他心里想:“这可是真功夫呀!”点评:狗狗的性别是男孩子,而且和鸭子年龄相当,他是什么羡慕的神情加内心对白。
鸭子骑过猫身边,“你好,猫!”鸭子说。 “喵——”猫应了一声。可她心里想:“我才不会浪费时间去骑车呢!” 点评:猫是比鸭子还小的妹妹,我的日常是吃喝睡,才懒得像你那样费神呢。傲娇小傲娇。
鸭子蹬得快了一点。鸭子一遍按铃,一边朝母鸡骑过去。“你好,母鸡!”鸭子说。 “咯咯!”母鸡应了一声。可她心里想:“你看着点路,鸭子!”点评:活泼的小妹妹,母鸡,鸭子哥哥看路看路。
鸭子骑过山羊身边。“你好,山羊!”鸭子说。 “呣——”山羊应了一声。可他心里想:“我想吃那辆车子!” 点评:比鸭子大的山羊哥哥,关注了其他方面。
鸭子单脚站到车座上,骑过猪和猪身边。“你好,猪!” 鸭子说。 “呼噜——”猪和猪应了一声。可他心里想:“鸭子真爱出风头!”点评:比鸭子大的猪哥哥、猪姐姐完美继承了懒作的特征,哼,我们就爱晒太阳,不爱出风头。
鸭子撒开车把,骑过老鼠身边。“你好,老鼠!” 鸭子说。 “吱——”老鼠应了一声。可他心里想:“我真想像鸭子那样骑车!”点评:真是一只可爱有真实的小老鼠,羡慕崇拜之情表达的淋漓尽致。
现在,所有的动物都有自行车骑了!他们在谷仓旁边的空地上骑来骑去。“真好玩!”他们异口同声地说“鸭子,你的主意真棒!” 他把自行车放回屋旁。
One day down on the farm, Duck got a wild idea, "I bet I could ride a bike!" he thought, He waddled over to where the boy parked his bike, climbed on, and began to ride. At first he rode very slowly, and he wobbled a lot, but it was fun!
Duck rode past Cow and waved to her."Hello, Cow!" said Duck."M-o-o-o," said Cow. But what she thought was,"A duck on a bike? That's the silliest thing I've ever seen!"
Then Duck rode past Sheep."Hello, Sheep!" said Duck."B-a-a-a," said Sheep. But what she thought was,"He's going to hurt himself if he's not careful!"
Duck was riding better now.He rode past Dog,"Hello, Dog!" said Duck."Woof!"said Dog. But what he thought was,"That is a mighty neat trick!"
Then Duck rode past Cat."Hello, Cat!" said Duck."Meow," said Cat. But what she thought was,"I wouldn't waste my time riding a bike!"
Duck pedaled a little faster.He rode past Horse."Hello, Horse!" said Duck."Ne-e-e-igh!" said Horse.But what he thought was ,"You're still not as fast as me, Duck!"
Duck rang his bell as he rode toward Chicken."Hello, Chicken!" said Duck."Cluck! Cluck!"said Chicken. But what she thought was,"Watch where you're going , Duck!"
Then Duck rode past Goat."Hello, Goat!" said Duck."M-a-a-a" said Goat. But what he thought was,"I'd like to eat that bike!"
Duck stood on the seat and rode past Pig and Pig."Hello, Pigs!" said Duck."Oink," said Pig and Pig.But what they thought was,"Duck is such a show-off!"
Then Duck rode no-hands past Mouse."Hello, Mouse!" said Duck."Squeak," said Mouse. But what he thought was,"I wish I could ride a bike just like Duck."
Suddenly, a whole bunch of kids came down the road on bikes. They were in such a hurry that they didn't see Duck.They parked their bikes by the house and went inside.
Now all the animals had bikes! They rode around and around the barnyard."This is fun!" they all said."Good idea, Duck!"
Then they put the bikes back by the house.And no one knew that on that afternoon, there had been a cow,a sheep, a dog, a cat, a horse, a chicken, a goat, two pigs, a mouse, and a duck on a bike.