The fresh breast milk can be stored for 4 hours under the condition of25-37℃, for 8 hours in 15-25℃, for 24 hours in 15℃, which is with no need of sterilization. Keep the fresh breast milk in warm water to 38-39℃ before feeding. Pasteurization is needed if breast milk has been stored for more than 24 hours or it is fed for kids of other families.
Breast milk, isolated from air and refrigerated in a breast milk bag, can be stored for 2 days in 2-4℃. Breast milk stored with breast milk bags in a freezer (below-18℃), which is safe for feeding her own baby within 6 months, anddo not need sterilization. Warm the breast milk up to 38-39℃ by warm water before feeding, (Milk warmer is available for fast warm up, which will not destroy the nutrition of breast milk.) Neither use microwave oven, nor boiling to heat up breast milk. Breastfeed accordingly, do not warm repeatedly and discard the left-over once heated.